Aftercare for your Perming Process Service

You’ve just invested time and money in to your new perm – so it makes sense to look after it.

We don’t just make this stuff up for the sake of it! So, read on…

  1. You should shampoo your hair only 48 hours after the perming process. This is because your hair is very fragile and it needs time to adjust to the chemicals used in your treatment.
  2. Use a shampoo which is specially meant for “chemically treated hair”. These suit your chemically treated hair as they have gentle ingredients. All other shampoos are too strong for your fragile hair which may contain harsh chemicals. We have a high quality range of products available for you to purchase in the salon. Speak to your stylist who can recommend a good quality product’s to use! Speak to your stylist who can recommend a good quality shampoo to use!
  3. After shampooing, it is very important that you condition your hair. It is a myth that conditioner will relax and ruin your perm. Using the right conditioner is the trick. Use a conditioner which is meant for chemically treated hair as it will help to keep your perm softer and last longer. Conditioner not only closes the cuticle but also act as a detangler. We have a high quality range of products available for you to purchase in the salon. Speak to your stylist who can recommend a good quality product’s to use! Speak to your stylist who can recommend a good quality conditioner to use!
  4. Do not blow dry your hair. Instead air dry or use a diffuser with a cool setting.
  5. Avoid using comb through your hair in the first 48 hours. Instead use your fingers to comb through your hair and then comb with a wide toothed comb.
  6. Do not tie your hair into a ponytail or a bun. Let your hair open for 1 day or 2 days. It will avoid any deformation in your curls and help to maintain its shape.
  7. Also trim your hair every 4-5 weeks. This will not only keep your hair healthy but will also spring up your curls.
  8. Cover your hair when you go out in the sun. The UV rays from the sun can damage your permed tresses. If you go for swimming, wear a swimming cap to protect your hair from chlorine.

​​Most importantly, always follow your stylist’s advice!